Where you’ve been and what you’ve done need not determine how far you can go and who you can become

Allie McCormick got a late start to graduating college and grad
school. She worked her way up from a temporary data analysis position at a local university for just $12/hr to a very lucrative career in legal
research data management. “While I’d have been okay with that job, my
amazing coworkers, luxurious office and delicious corporate benefits —
deep down inside I knew that I didn’t want to deal with the trappings of
office life for 30-40 years. The traffic, office politics, having to ask
for time off, cramming all my household errands & responsibilities into
two days on the weekends? Not for me”.

When she got pregnant with her son, the feeling of escaping the 9 to 5 kicked into overdrive. It became about more than just her and the next thirty years of her life. “I became obsessed with the fear of having to do the whole corporate thing while being a mom, and I knew something had to give. So when I stumbled upon this crazy, wacky idea of creating and selling non-fiction e-books on Amazon Kindle, I was intrigued!”

Jumping In

Allie jumped in immediately with both feet. She was determined to bring in at least $500/month by the time the baby was born. She wanted to contribute to the household some and stay home with the baby. Allie didn’t hit her original goal, but before he turned one year old that desire for
$500/month had bloomed into a 6-figure passive income stream. With her finances in order and a passive income stream in place, she started a popular website about fitness for women.

That small seed of desire to be with her baby boy blossomed into so much
more than she ever could have imagined. “My husband and son
win because they get gets a stress-free, happy wife and mother tending
to the home, I win because I get to lead a life of financial freedom,
passion and joy that I simply adore. ”

Today Allie doesn’t have to get dressed up for work. She doesn’t have to travel and she gets to spend as much time as she wants with family and friends. “On one occasion I took 3 months off work and my business still grew. Over the holidays I stopped working from the end of November until January 7th the following year and still made tons of money. I’m never stressed out – ever.” Allie has time to pursue her hobbies and interests and she never has to ask anyone if she can take time off!

Your Own Path

The biggest thing Allie has learned is to follow her own path. For a while she got sucked into looking at the competition and seeing what they’re doing, and then purchasing any shiny new e-course or e-book to learn “how to do xyz”. She quickly realized a few things that are pretty much universal:

  • 1) There is more than one way to reach your financial goals in business
  • 2) Nobody else is quite like you. You can do everything exactly the way somebody else does, and not get anywhere close to the same result
  • 3) You need to be different and somehow stand out from the pack if you want to be successful – doing what everybody else does only helps you blend in anyway
  • 4) The best tricks and secrets aren’t always the ones packaged up in courses
  • 5) Most of what works is insanely simple and quite boring – once you find what works you wash, rinse and repeat over and over and never stop
  • 6) Focusing too much on what somebody/everybody else is doing instead of DOING things yourself is just distraction and noise that doesn’t matter. The best way to learn is by doing and trying new things, not by reading or watching videos about doing them.

Even though Allie has tried to learn from experts, she has found that most of what works for her nobody has ever taught. “The processes that account for 80% of my income are things that I figured out for myself and choose to do my own way.”

Keeping Things Lean

Like many solopreneurs, Allie isn’t trying to grow her business beyond herself. Instead she is actually keeping things as small and lean as possible. Her strategy for life is to generate as many passive income streams as she can. She worries about having all of her eggs in one basket and doesn’t want to go back to the corporate world. “It’s been a few years now since I’ve had to work for someone else. My income streams are strong and diversified enough. Still there’s this panic that maybe some insane thing will happen and everything goes up in flames. As I meet more entrepreneurs, I’m finding that this fear is quite common and never really goes away. You just keep going.”

Learn more about Allie’s project at – https://soberalley.com