Candace Broom (aka CanCan) always thought that she had done a fair job of skirting the traditional 9 to 5 job by working as a teacher in Asia for 9 years. It was lots of fun and she got opportunities to travel all over the region, which she chronicled on her travel blog ( . The blog is PR friendly and has opened up doors for her to work with public relations firms in a promotional role, which she really enjoyed (especially on a press trip to the Bahamas, woohoo!) But then things changed at work and she started to be introspective.

Switching Gears

After making several videos to enter contests and sharing them with her colleagues, she started getting comments like “Clearly, you are in the wrong profession!”, which she took as a supportive statement toward her writing/editing/producing/general mayhem of promotional video making. “Or maybe they just were trying to tell me I wasn’t a great teacher.”  Regardless, Candace thinks they are right. “Making videos and doing social media promotions does not_ feel_ like work to me. Teaching? Was starting to give me grey hair.”
At any rate, she decided to produce videos for small companies to help them boost their SEO. Candace sent an email to the main PR firms she had been working with on her blog offering to create 10 videos in January 2011 for $150 each. After which, the price would increase a little but still be accessible to a normal small business owner. She sold the first slot within a few hours, and her dream was alive!
See what she is up to now at her web site.